The Gateway Academy's Careers Programme
The careers team will be delivering a programme to each year group which ensures that the Gateway Academy meets the government's guidance on careers education. Which is the following;
Gatsby benchmark:
- A stable careers programme
- Learning from career and labour market information, Google Classroom and notice board, half-term labour update and advice bulletin
- Addressing the needs of each pupil - Term 2 of each year, parent and student questionnaire to be sent out and evaluated
- Linking curriculum learning to careers – Now built into the curriculum, to be evaluated through questionnaire and review
- Encounters with employers and employees – whole school and targeted opportunities as they arrive along with planned activities throughout the 5-year plan
- Experiences of workplaces – mainly through year 10 but also as online opportunities where appropriate
- Encounters with further and higher education – Featured universities,
- Personal guidance – Every student to have at least one 1-1 meeting in year 10 along with targeted risk of NEET in all other years