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The Gateway Learning Community

The Gateway Learning Community

All Different: All Equal
Together, Improving Upon Our Best

Meet the Head Boy and Girl and their Deputies

Meet the Head Boy and Head Girl

Daniel Cross – Head Boy

Here are some important facts about myself:

  • I can play the Ukulele and the guitar.
  • I play rugby for Thurrock rugby club.
  • I represent the youth of Thurrock with my work at Thurrock council.
  • I have a love and passion for learning and for creating change in the community.

Who/what inspires me today?

My dad inspires me every day.  He has shown me what hard work and discipline gives you when starting a business. He has been running his own business for 13 years, the sacrifices he has made are something I'm forever grateful for.

What are my aspirations in life?

I aim to work within the finance sector when I'm older. Working with big banks and corporations is where I would like to end up in the future.

My message to the Academy.

I want all students in the academy, old or young, to always strive to achieve their greatest. To achieve greatness, you will need hard work, commitment and discipline. Life is not easy and developing these important skills can set you up for success.

What would I like to achieve?

  • I aim to make the academy a better place for students by constantly hearing feedback about what can be improved.
  • Push forwards a belief in freedom of speech and opinion. Everyone has a voice and their voice matters.
  • To be able to make the youth of our school feel heard, no one is alone.

Marjorie Nyanyi – Head Girl

Key facts about myself:

  • I like sports (part of the netball and athletics team).
  • I am of Ghanaian heritage.
  • I love to read, and I also used to write books.
  • I was involved in events such as black history month and culture day.

Who/what inspires me today?

My mum inspired me to work in the medical field. I admire her because her work as a mental health nurse saves many lives.

What are my aspirations in life?

I aspire to become a paediatrician as I would love to work with children. I find it rewarding to be able to save a parent’s child’s life or provide support for both the parent and child through terminal illnesses.

A message to the Academy

You might not be the smartest, the funniest or the sportiest person.  But one thing you can do better than anyone else is be yourself.  Working hard now may not seem pretty, but the end result is always glamorous.

What would I like to accomplish in this role?

  • Push an agenda for the love of learning.
  • Providing support systems for students who are more vulnerable.
  • Encourage diversity, culture and creativity.
  • Inspire future Head Girls.

Meet the Deputy Head Boys and Girls

Massimo Nemeth – Deputy Head Boy

Some key facts about me:

I am a responsible individual who always strives to do the best that I can as well as support the peers around me.

Who/what inspires me today?

The students of the Gateway Academy are those who inspire me as they always try their hardest to achieve their goals and aspirations.

What are my aspirations in life?

My aspirations in life are to get grades 7s, 8s and 9s in school so that I can study A-level biology and A-level chemistry in Sixth-Form in order to become a biotechnologist and later move into Biochemistry.

A message to the Academy

My message to the Academy community is to do what you love and always be resilient and try your best.

What would I like to accomplish in this role?

  • During this year as Deputy Head Boy, I want to make sure that every student of the Gateway Academy has the resources and help that they need in order to achieve the grades that they deserve.


Leah Brown – Deputy Head Girl

Key facts about myself:

I enjoy working out, spending time with friends/family and exploring. I am a well-respected individual, with morals and lead with pride.

Who/what inspires me today?

My parents are my biggest inspiration. The opportunities handed to me drive my motivation to do and be the best version of myself, daily. My ultimate goal in life is to make my parents proud, and strive to do my very best. I admire those around me. The sacrifices made to get me where I am today will never be forgotten.

What are my aspirations in life?

My aspiration is to become a physiotherapist after completing my A-Levels and getting my degree in psychology/sports science.

My message to the academy is:

Never look back. Don’t let your past define you and focus on today.  It is never too late to change. The person you once were does not define you. The overwhelming need to fit into society is only holding you back.

What would I like to accomplish this year in my role?

  • Improving School Spirit and Participation
  • Enhancing Student Wellbeing/Support
  • Continue Promoting Inclusivity and Diversity

Nathaniel Aboagye – Deputy Head Boy

Key facts about myself:

As Deputy Head Boy at Gateway Academy, I am committed to making a positive difference within our school community. My aim is to uphold the core values of Gateway, while also promoting my personal principles of mentorship, leadership, and integrity.

Who/what inspires me today?

I want to inspire my fellow students by leading, by example, offering support and encouragement, so everyone can strive to reach their full potential. Looking ahead,

What are my aspirations in life?

I aspire to break into the finance industry, but my ultimate goal is to be someone others look up to, not just for success, but for the way I conduct myself with honesty and dedication.

My message to the Academy is:

To the Gateway community, I leave you with this quote: “Success is not the key to happiness.  Happiness is the key to success.  If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.” 

Let’s continue to pursue what we’re passionate about and strive for success by finding joy in what we do.  Together, we can achieve great things.

Megan Bramhill – Deputy Head Girl

Key facts about myself

Some of my hobbies include cross-country and figure skating. They're both such fun and enjoyable sports!


Who/what inspires me today?

I find it really easy to be inspired by those around me as well as more famously influential people. A figure who really inspires me is Florence Given, author of ‘Women don't owe you pretty’. She speaks about women's rights as well as all aspects of wellbeing. A great read for anyone looking to broaden their horizons.

What are my aspirations in life?

In the future I would like to become an architect and change landscapes in cities. Changing not only the view but people's everyday lives for the better.

My message to the Academy is:

My message to you is ‘let them, just let them’ focus on you and what you want in your life, not other people’s interpretations of you. Changing your perspectives changes your experiences.

What would I like to accomplish this year in my role?

This year as Deputy Head Girl I would like to ensure that I improve the school for the better, for all students and peers. Making The Gateway Academy even more exceptional and improving your experiences further.

Meet the Team: