Year 7 Intake Information September 2025
Welcome Letter to Year 7 September 2025
Dear Parent/Carer
Congratulations on your child being offered a Year 7 place at The Gateway Academy. As you are aware, at our Academy, we uphold the highest standards, firmly rooted in our core principles of Responsibility, Resilience, Compassion and Aspiration. We are looking forward to your child bringing passion and energy to our Academy and taking every opportunity to take full advantage of the exceptional educational experience on offer.
It is a tremendous privilege to be the Head of School at The Gateway Academy for nearly ten years and to work alongside staff, students, parents and carers to ensure our Academy continues to flourish with student academic progress and student attendance, staff retention and attendance, all above national average.
We are aware that the five years your child will spend with us will provide a foundation for their future. It is imperative that all students and parents and carers are on board and we have a joint commitment to support our young people to develop as active and thriving citizens within a diverse, truly fair and equal community. As a result, if you do not feel that your child can commit to our GLC Values, please liaise with the Local Authority regarding an alternative educational provider. We set the highest standards at The Gateway Academy and do all within our power to ensure the young people within our care reach their full potential.
We are incredibly proud of our transition for our Year 7 students. That includes:
- A one-week summer school for our new Year 7 cohort.
- A laptop scheme – this will give all Year 7 students access to a personal device that will support them to fully access the curriculum and become independent learners.
- Parent and Carer GCSE Focused Classes - the opportunity for you to gain knowledge of the revision strategies needed to support your child throughout their time in a secondary provision.
More details will be sent to you in the coming months regarding all of the above.
We understand that your child might be feeling nervous about joining the Academy, particularly if they did not have the opportunity to tour the Academy last September and meet our staff. Please have a look at the following clips to get a flavour of what being part of the Gateway family truly is.
Please also check out our Gateway Academy Times, which demonstrates our commitment to ensuring our students excel in all aspects of their lives.
Details of this letter, together with a very large quantity of information, can be found on the Academy’s website. Please feel free to visit the Academy’s website regularly for updates
If you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact Miss O’Dwyer via email at or telephone 01375 489000. For a brief introduction from myself, please check out the link
Yours sincerely
Mrs G McLaughlin