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The Gateway Learning Community

The Gateway Learning Community

All Different: All Equal
Together, Improving Upon Our Best

Business Studies

Curriculum Overview

In business studies, students are actively engaged in the study of business and commerce. They develop as independent, critical, and reflective thinkers, developing and applying knowledge, understanding and skills to contemporary issues in a range of local, national and global business contexts. They learn to appreciate the range of perspectives of different business stakeholders and consider the extent to which business activity can be ethical and sustainable.


Business Studies enables students to engage with the economics of the world, to learn leadership, management and decision-making skills and gain a financial awareness of the world in which they live.


Teachers will:

  • Plan and deliver lessons to ensure that all students can use personal experience and that of friends and family to demonstrate understanding of the different topics; 
  • Ensure the curriculum is focused on the progression and continuity of skills over time. For example, exam craft, research, interpretation, critical thinking and communication skills;
  • Provide opportunities for students to compare their own answers and challenge each other's views. This is to show that in business there are many different solutions to the same problem, but being able to justify your own view is a critical skill to business and exam success;
  • To embed metacognition into the lessons to develop students' own thought processes and understanding of how they best learn, including retrieval practice and revision strategies;
  • Carefully monitor students’ progress against key milestones and take swift actions to support those who fall behind and to stretch students who are not working at full effort or ability levels;
  • Celebrate students’ work through classroom displays, school exhibitions and competitions throughout the GLC and the wider community.


Students will:

  • Understand the key actions to be completed if they were to start a business;
  • Will be able to explain the actions of a business as a consequence of the changing economic environment and changing customer needs and wants;
  • Have a better understanding of personal and business finance and how best to manage it.
Name Contact
Mr N Hall
Mrs R Blissett