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The Gateway Learning Community

The Gateway Learning Community

All Different: All Equal
Together, Improving Upon Our Best

Student Voice and Leadership


Leadership at all Levels

We value the thoughts and opinions of our student body and they are encouraged to take part in different areas of leadership within the Academy.

Head Students

Our head students consist of Year 11 students who manage and direct the rest of the Student Leadership Team.  They not only give feedback to the Senior Leadership Team about issues facing the students, but are expected to support the staff in maintaining high standards of behaviour and contribute to the daily activities and life of the Academy.

Student Leadership Team

Students from all year groups can apply to become part of our wider student leadership team.  These students are ambassadors of The Academy's values and work not only within the Academy but within the wider community. 

The 3 areas which they can lead on include:

  • Compassion: These students focus on the pastoral elements of school life, including the personal development of students.  They work with Progress Leaders to support the delivery of key topics and events such as (but not limited to); anti-bullying, culture and diversity, mental health and equality.  They are involved in fund-raising and work within the wider community.

  • Aspiration: This team will be responsible for helping students to develop their aspirations by promoting a love of learning and getting peers to focus on their next steps after The Gateway Academy.  They help to promote careers, further education, apprenticeships and work with groups of students to help them understand how to achieve their goals.


  • Resilience: This team are the mentors who work with students to help them build academic resilience.  They may support a particular subject or support a student who is facing barriers to their own learning and needs someone to support.

Mental Health Ambassadors

These students support the mental health of our students in 2 different ways.  Firstly, they work one to one as peer mentors and support those students who may suffer from a variety of different needs.  They also contribute to whole school mental health promotion, planning and organising events such as Mental Health Promotion Week.

Equality Ambassadors

This team works to ensure that the views and opinions of our diverse students’ body are represented in all areas of academy life.  They plan and organise events such as Black History Month and Cultural Day.

LGBTQ+ Ambassadors

This team works to ensure all students' rights and needs are met within The Gateway Academy.  They plan and organise events for Pride Month and have contributed to the training of staff in how to support the needs of the LGBTQ+ community.

Student Voice

Our student leadership team are the driving force for our student voice.  They collect the views and opinions from our student body and regularly give feedback to the Senior Leadership Team on how we can 'improve upon our best.'

These views are then developed into an action plan and presented to the Gateway Academy Senior Leadership Team.


This collaborative approach ensures that students not only have a say in their own educational experience but also actively contribute to shaping the policies and environment that impact the entire school community.