Letters Home 2022 - 2023
If you require paper copies of any letters or correspondence, please see the main office who will provide you with these, free of charge.
- 02.1 TPA GPFS Consultation November 2022PDF FileDownload
- Anti-Bullying GLC Performance Visits LetterPDF FileDownload
- ARU LetterPDF FileDownload
- Barking Abbey TripPDF FileDownload
- Battlefields Trip Letter - March 2023PDF FileDownload
- Bowles Residential Trip September 2023PDF FileDownload
- Cambridge University Letter 2023 AuthorisedPDF FileDownload
- Creative I-Media - Year 9 LetterPDF FileDownload
- Dance Show 2023 Rehearsals LetterPDF FileDownload
- End of Autumn Term 2022 LetterPDF FileDownload
- End of Spring Term Letter 2023PDF FileDownload
- End of Summer Term Letter 2023PDF FileDownload
- Eurodisney trip letterPDF FileDownload
- February School Recovery Curriculum Letter 2023PDF FileDownload
- Fishing trip to Puddledock FarmPDF FileDownload
- Football Development Tour to Inter Milan LetterDOC FileDownload
- Free School Meals Application LetterPDF FileDownload
- Generic Peripatetic keyboard-piano music lessons Letter 2022PDF FileDownload
- GLC EDFP Parents LetterPDF FileDownload
- Graduation letter 2023PDF FileDownload
- Halloween disco letterPDF FileDownload
- Herne Bay Trip Y10 GeogPDF FileDownload
- Herne Bay Trip Y11 Geog - Group APDF FileDownload
- Herne Bay Trip Y11 Geog - Group BPDF FileDownload
- High House Production Park Letter 2023 signed TBT signaturesPDF FileDownload
- Information Evening - More Able StudentsPDF FileDownload
- KE LetterPDF FileDownload
- KS4 English Tutoring LetterPDF FileDownload
- Laptop Letter - Year 11PDF FileDownload
- Letter - Parental Support for RevisionPDF FileDownload
- Letter - Parents/Carers - 04 November 2022PDF FileDownload
- Letter Easter Holiday School Yr. 11 2023PDF FileDownload
- Letter to Parents and Carers - 17 April 2023PDF FileDownload
- Letter to parents re Scarlet Fever December 2022PDF FileDownload
- MCK -TRIP TO TWICKENHAM November 2022PDF FileDownload
- MOVE IT 2023PDF FileDownload
- Move It Dance ConventionPDF FileDownload
- Music lesson letter 2022PDF FileDownload
- October School Recovery Curriculum Letter 2022PDF FileDownload
- Partnership with Parents EveningPDF FileDownload
- PE Uniform Letter - Expectations 2023-24PDF FileDownload
- Photography Trip to local forestPDF FileDownload
- Photography trip to Maritime Museum in LondonPDF FileDownload
- Photography Trip to SouthendPDF FileDownload
- Puddledock Farm Trip - 6 December 2022PDF FileDownload
- PWP Year 9-10 Invite LetterPDF FileDownload
- PWP Yr. 7-8 Invite LetterPDF FileDownload
- PWP Yr. 11 Invite LetterPDF FileDownload
- RSE Policy LetterPDF FileDownload
- Senior Citizens Dinner 2023PDF FileDownload
- Sharing our lives Tilbury tripPDF FileDownload
- Sponsorship LetterPDF FileDownload
- Strike Action Letter - Thursday 27 April and Tuesday 02 May 2023PDF FileDownload
- Strike Action Letter - Wednesday 01 March 2023PDF FileDownload
- Strike Action Letter - Wednesday 05 and Friday 07 July 2023PDF FileDownload
- Strike Action Letter - Wednesday 15 and Thursday 16 March 2023PDF FileDownload
- Strike Action letter to parents January 2023PDF FileDownload
- Stubbers Letter - October 2022PDF FileDownload
- Stubbers Letter Feb 2023PDF FileDownload
- Temp Contract for Peer MentorsPDF FileDownload
- Thameside Theatre Panto Trip - December 2022PDF FileDownload
- The Brilliant Tutoring Programme Parental Letter Autumn 2022PDF FileDownload
- Thurrock SSP dance show 2023 LetterPDF FileDownload
- Thurrock's Next Top Boss Trip LetterPDF FileDownload
- Trailblazer trip letter June 2023PDF FileDownload
- Trailblazer Vessel 21 USPPDF FileDownload
- TSP welcome letterPDF FileDownload
- Tutoring Programme LetterPDF FileDownload
- Twickenham TripPDF FileDownload
- UPS College TripPDF FileDownload
- Walk online roadshow letter Yr7PDF FileDownload
- Walk online roadshow letter Yr8PDF FileDownload
- We Will Rock You LetterPDF FileDownload
- We Will Rock You Ticket LetterPDF FileDownload
- Wildwood Kent Trust Trip letterPDF FileDownload
- Winter Wonderland Letter 2022PDF FileDownload
- Year 6 Extracurricular P.E SessionsPDF FileDownload
- Year 10 Maths ALPs Letter - Room 1306PDF FileDownload
- Year 10 Maths ALPs Letter - Room 1307PDF FileDownload
- Year 10 reward letter to RollercityPDF FileDownload
- Year 11 ALPs LetterPDF FileDownload
- Year 11 Girls Fright Night LetterPDF FileDownload
- Year 11 Letter - June 2023PDF FileDownload