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The Gateway Learning Community

The Gateway Learning Community

All Different: All Equal
Together, Improving Upon Our Best

Reading Support

At the Gateway Academy, we believe that it is our duty to ensure our pupils become as highly literate as possible.  If we feel as if our pupils are in need of further support with their reading, we are proactive in putting steps in place to support our pupils in becoming as highly skilled with their literacy as possible. We have two highly effective support schemes which we run at the academy to support the reading of our pupils.

If you have concerns about your child’s reading and would like to discuss further support, please get in touch with Dan Bedford (

Thinking Reading

We work closely with both Literacy Assessment Online, and Thinking Reading (an industry-leading reading program), in order to ensure that our students get the absolute best experience possible. Thinking Reading allows our students to participate in fast-paced and targeted lessons that ensure any gaps in their reading skills are developed.

Peer Reading

We are proud to have an embedded Peer Reading Scheme at The Gateway Academy. Identified students are paired with a Year 10 student who they meet once a week for a reading session.  In this session, our Year 10 students lead the session which will develop both their reading skills as well as a love of reading. Students involved in the Peer Reading scheme will select a text that they want to read for these sessions. This is a fantastic opportunity for our students to learn and develop for their peers.

Bedrock Learning

We have recently invested in Bedrock Learning for all of our Year 7 students.  Bedrock Learning is an online programme designed to teach students a range of new vocabulary through a variety of non-fiction lessons and tasks. Through learning and acquiring new words, students will be able to unlock a wider range of texts. Not only will this help to improve their achievements in KS3 and at GCSE, but help them throughout life as they continue to grow.

The Benefits of Reading

Finding Reading Materials for your Child

Supporting a Child who finds Reading Difficult