Transition FAQs
Q: What time do students start and finish school?
A: Students start at 8:15am and finish at 2:30pm for the duration of transition.
Q: Where do I meet my child?
A: At the Courtyard gates, this is where students are dismissed at the end of the day.
Q: What class will my child be in?
A: For the duration of transition students will be in mixed primary class groups and follow the school timetable.
Q: What time do students have their breaks?
A: During transition timings will be 10:45am until 11.15am and Lunch 13.15pm – 13:45pm
Q: When are students allowed to go to the toilet?
A: During break and lunch times unless they have a medical pass. Students are not allowed to go during lesson times.
Q: What are the arrangements for lunch?
A: Students can bring a packed lunch or purchase hot or cold food from the Courtyard Café. Students who are entitled to free school meals should make themselves known to a member of the canteen staff to collect their lunch. From September, students will be issued with a card that can be topped up in school or via ParentPay to purchase food, as the Academy is cashless.
Q: Is my child allowed to use a mobile phone?
A: Mobile phones are not allowed to be used during the school day and must be kept away.
Q: What will happen if my child uses their phone during the school day?
A: The phone will be confiscated and taken to SET where students can pick their phone up at the end of the day.
Q: What if my child feels unwell?
A: In the first instance, your child should inform the classroom teacher and if it is deemed appropriate they will be sent to student services and be assessed by a first-aider. If necessary a phone call will be made home.
Q: What should my child wear during transition?
A: Full uniform from their primary school.
Q: What equipment will my child need?
A: Pen, pencil and ruler, as a minimum, preferably in a pencil case, a reading book and school bag. Students will know on what day PE kit is needed via their timetable.
Q: What if my child has problems settling in or issues with other students?
A: Inform your child’s progress office, a member of staff will investigate to see if there is a problem and keep you informed.
Q: Will my child be set homework during transition?
A: The Academy values home learning and this is set regularly via Google Classroom (logins will be issued on in September). For the duration of transition students will record homework in their transition books.
Q: What if my child is ill or absent during transition?
A: You should call 01375 489077 and leave a message stating the students name, primary school, contact number and reason for absence.
If you have any questions that have not been covered please contact us on 01375 489000 or alternatively via the transition email.