Prospectus for Admissions from September 2025


WELCOME At The Gateway Academy, we uphold the highest standards, firmly rooted in our core principles of Responsibility, Resilience, Compassion, and Aspiration. We expect both our staff and students to bring passion and energy in all that they do, playing pivotal roles in fostering a diverse, truly fair, and equal community. With exemplary teaching, an outstanding pastoral support system, and ample resources, we empower students to unlock their utmost potential. Our dedication remains unwavering in dismantling any obstacles to learning, ensuring no student is left behind. It is quite extraordinary how well our Academy continues to flourish with student academic progress, student attendance, staff retention, and attendance, all above the national average. We are renowned for our unique family ethos and our focus on hard work and discipline. We welcome visitors to come and see our exceptional Academy. We are resilient and relentless in continuing to ‘improve upon our best’ and offer our students an exceptional educational experience that is life‐changing.

Our GLC motto, ʹall different, all equal, together improving upon our best,ʹ encompasses the very essence of our Academy. Staff, students, parents, and the community often comment on the sense of warmth and inclusiveness that is a fundamental part of Academy life. We have an incredibly strong community built on our shared purpose and positive relationships. We encourage all of our students to have a strong sense of self and to be ‘exceptional’ in all that they do. We expect our students to work hard every day, follow the rules, and have the highest standards for their own conduct. We live by our mission to develop our students as ‘active and thriving citizens within a diverse, truly fair, and equal community’. Once you have been a student at our Academy, you will always be part of the Gateway community. OUR GLC CORE VALUES LEARNING IS PRIZED OUR APPROACH RESPONSIBILITY We own our behaviour and actions. We recognise that we play a fundamental role in shaping our lives, the lives of others and every aspect of the world. We understand the importance of ’making the weather. RESILIENCE We tackle challenges head‐on. We approach people and situations with confidence and a positive mindset. We learn from our setbacks and failures. COMPASSION We care for ourselves and each other. We contribute to making the world a better place. We treat others with kindness, respect and dignity. ASPIRATION We aim high and work hard to fulfil our potential. We believe everybody can achieve something great and realise the importance of ’improving upon our best.

Our curriculum is broad and balanced, which supports our students to reach their full potential in all aspects of Academy life. We carefully review and select the programmes of study, and the teaching approaches we employ are steeped in the latest research. The curriculum is organised into 50 one‐hour periods over 10 days. In addition to the taught curriculum, students have access to a broad range of learning experiences promoting deeper learning and opportunities to learn outside of the classroom. The Academy is always keen for young people to develop skills and aptitudes in all aspects of their lives, and as a result, our extra‐curricular programme is rich, varied, and includes a wide range of sporting, artistic, creative, reading, debating, and after‐ hours study opportunities. We offer a very diverse range of trips and visits to support students’ learning and interests. From Year 7, all students are equipped with laptops to support their digital literacy and enhance their access to a vast amount of online resources that will support them in their academic endeavours. Students are taught predominantly in set groups based on their prior attainment.  Grammar Band is our accelerated learning band and is set purely on high prior attainment using more able criteria.  X and Y bands each contain three groups, which are set according to ability in English, Maths, and Science. Although students are placed into these bands in Year 7, they are reviewed termly, and there are progression paths to ensure that no student is tied to their starting points as they progress through the Academy. In Key Stage 4, we offer students the opportunity to study Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Further Maths, and Statistics courses to ensure students are fully prepared for the academic rigour expected when completing A levels. Our curriculum allows our students to develop their knowledge, skills, and understanding in order for them to become life‐long learners. We believe that every student has the right to learn the full curriculum in an incredibly supportive, disciplined environment. Students are given every opportunity to achieve their full academic potential by having access to our additional learning periods of study, use of our fantastic library and literacy lounge, which have extended opening hours, and participation in our academic tutoring programme, which is taught by specialist teachers or former alumni students. Our students take responsibility for their learning and, as a result, are performing above the national average across a wide variety of subjects. Any barriers to learning we overcome together, and we give our students every opportunity to maximise their life chances. OUR CURRICULUM

Our students continue to make exceptional progress at the Academy, with many students performing significantly above the national average. We expect students to commit to their learning and overcome any barriers that prevent them from making exceptional progress. Students have every opportunity to perform at the highest level, with skilled, passionate teachers ensuring they get the best teaching and learning experience in the classroom. Students receive regular homework and have additional learning periods of study. As students’ progress through the Academy, the intensity of additional academic sessions increases, and it is expected that students commit to continuously ‘improving upon their best’. All students have three formal assessment periods each academic year, and their progress against the GCSE benchmark is reported to their families. Students are provided with the key learning from each subject area and revision strategies to ensure they can reach their full potential in their assessments and learn the rigour and academic requirements to perform at the highest level. While we will do all that we can to support our students to perform at their full potential, we can only do this with the support of their families. The relationship between our staff, students, and their families is key, and we expect that all members play their role in supporting our students to reach their full potential and find solutions to any barriers. ACADEMIC PROGRESS AT THE ACADEMY

GATEWAY ACADEMY’S GRAMMAR BAND If a student achieves Greater Depth in most, if not all, of their subjects during primary school, they may be allocated a place in our Grammar Band in Year 7 and will remain in this band if they continue to meet the academic expectations. Being in the Grammar Band means a student is expected to achieve a minimum of a grade 7 or equivalent in all their subjects. They will be in classes with students of similar ability and high aspirations, supported by academic excellence and rigour. Grammar Band students will be challenged by their teachers to perform at the highest academic level. Grammar Band students have access to a range of extra‐ and super‐curricular opportunities, such as visits to universities and masterclasses on various themes to support their curiosity and interest beyond the curriculum. They also have the opportunity to learn from our Gateway Academy alumni, who are former students continuing to achieve excellence at A level or degree level. As they progress through their education at The Gateway Academy, Grammar Band students will have the opportunity to study triple Science and further Maths, as well as the English Baccalaureate suite of subjects, enhancing their chances of gaining a place at a prestigious university. ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ “Forte nihil difficile” “To the determined, nothing is difficult”. Benjamin Disraeli Benjamin’s words resonate through the fabric of Grammar Band; an aspiration to be unusually brave, intellectually curious, and to aim for academic excellence in every subject. We expect our Grammar Band students to devour their learning and continuously want more, not just of themselves, but of their teachers as well. To demand rigour and limitless exposure to the hidden depths of every subject; to go beyond the bounds of possibility, to think big, and dream even bigger. Students in our Grammar Band class will have earned the right to be there through hard work and by upholding our GLC values at the highest standard. Testament to this are the GCSE results of our Grammar Band students, which are significantly above the national average. Over 500 GCSE grade 7‐9s have been achieved by our Grammar Band students in the last two years, and the outstanding results they have obtained are a result of their hard work, determination, and high aspiration.

We are intensely proud of the outstanding arts education we provide our students, where we stretch them to achieve their academic, artistic, and personal potential. Students are engaged in creativity and innovation as part of an excellent academic programme that stretches well beyond the classroom. The study of arts subjects, including Art, Photography, Drama, Dance, and Musical Theatre, achieves the development of key life skills for every student. All arts faculty subject results have a history of achieving well above GCSE national averages, with an impressive alumnus of former students who go on to study the arts at their chosen 6th From provisions. Our theatre curriculum provides students with support and challenge, and the huge success in academic outcomes is one few other schools can match. Self‐discipline, imagination, confidence, and creative thinking are hugely important in an ever‐ changing world, and we aim to prepare students to meet an ever‐growing demand and need for these skills through our exceptional pastoral care and expert teaching. We are particularly proud of the nurturing care and the fostering of an environment that encourages ALL students, regardless of their background, in all their arts endeavours. Our art studios are impressive spaces, including artist studios, a photography dark room, a kiln, drama studios that are fully technically equipped, a purpose‐built mirrored dance studio, a music room with a wealth of instruments, numerous music rehearsal practice rooms, and a 250‐seat theatre auditorium. Our students are extremely fortunate to have an exceptional range of resources and spaces, and these creative hubs are just one of the reasons why our children thrive in the arts at Gateway Academy. The learning we provide beyond the classroom is exceptional. Every week, there is an array of clubs, trips, and performance opportunities. Students are entered for additional assessments, including LAMDA Drama examinations that are normally offered by theatre schools and music gradings. As well as numerous celebrations and exhibitions of studentsʹ work, there is an annual dance show and a school musical that includes over 100 children every year. In 2022, we performed We Will Rock You; in 2023, it was High School Musical, and in December 2024, we shall perform the wonderful tale of Matilda. Every young person is valued, supported, and encouraged to constantly ‘improve upon their best.’ THE ARTS

Sports at The Gateway Academy is an incredibly important aspect of Academy life for all of our students. We ensure every student across the Academy finds an activity they are passionate about and therefore, encourage them to lead a healthy, active lifestyle. We hold an unwavering value on physical education and the opportunities it can provide for our students. Our extracurricular provision is vast, with over 45 sports clubs per week plus over 150 fixtures per team. We foster an environment that encourages maximum participation and a culture of excellence. Students have the opportunity to participate in sports activities every break, lunch, before and after school. The main sports at Gateway are football, rugby, netball, basketball, table tennis, and athletics. We have outstanding facilities for all of our students to use, which range from the fitness room, large sports hall, rock climbing wall, gymnasium, astro turf, and large fields with numerous football and rugby pitches. EAP – Elite Athlete Programme Alongside the extensive extracurricular provision available for all of our students across the Academy, we also have an elite sports programme that nurtures the very best student athletes. The ‘Elite Athlete Programme’ is designed to support the most talented athletes across the Academy by improving their technical and tactical understanding of sport and preparing them for possible progression into elite sport. The EAP is incredibly successful, with a number of teams achieving local and regional success and several of our students going on to study sports at sixth form specialist sports provision. Greenhouse Programme Our third strand of Gateway Sport is The Greenhouse Programme, led by our full‐time Basketball Coach, Lee McCarthy. Students have the opportunity to take part in ‘STEP’ sessions that focus on improving their Social, Thinking, Emotional, and Physical skills through an individualised basketball programme. Alongside the STEP sessions, students are mentored by Coach Lee to focus on their academic studies and ensure they fulfil their potential while studying at the Academy. The basketball programme is incredibly successful, winning countless district titles and achieving Essex honours. SPORTS AT THE GATEWAY ACADEMY

When students leave The Gateway Academy, they automatically become members of our Alumni – The Gateway Alumni Association, meaning that we stay in touch with them through their education, employment, or training. As members of The Gateway Alumni Association, students receive regular contact from us, including our newsletters and invitations to participate in Academy events and activities such as assemblies, open evenings, presentations, work experience, volunteering, mentoring, and sharing their experiences to help our current students and gain a broader understanding of life after secondary education. We will also share notable achievements and success stories of our Alumni to demonstrate the impact of the education students received at The Gateway Academy and beyond, highlighting the diverse paths that our former students have pursued after leaving us and how they are continuing to be “active and thriving citizens within a diverse, truly fair and equal community.” What are our past students doing now? Alexandra Nita‐Morariu I was Head Girl at The Gateway Academy from 2022 to 2023. After my GCSEs, I went to Sixth Form at Harris Academy Chafford Hundred to study A‐Levels in History, Politics, Psychology, and Spanish. Currently, I support the Languages Department at The Gateway Academy by tutoring students in their Spanish speaking skills. Abiaz Afzal I graduated from The Gateway Academy in 2019 with 9 GCSEs, all at Grade 9. I went on to study A‐Levels in Maths, Further Maths, Chemistry, and Biology at the London Academy of Excellence, Stratford, achieving four A* grades. From there, I moved on to study Medicine at The University of Cambridge. The education at The Gateway Academy, particularly the rigour of the EBacc, really set me up to continue my journey into Sixth Form and beyond. The teaching and support I received at Gateway were excellent and instilled a love of learning in me which will continue throughout my career in medicine. I am giving back to The Gateway Academy by mentoring a Year 11 student in preparation for their GCSE examinations. GATEWAY ACADEMY’S ALUMNI

Andrea Neville Having achieved grade 7 or higher in all my GCSEs, I went on to study A‐ Levels in English Literature, History, and Sociology at Palmer’s College. From there, I went on to a degree in Ancient and Modern History at the University of Oxford. To help give back to the Academy and act as an ambassador for working hard to achieve your potential, I am a mentor to two Year 11 students at The Gateway Academy, drawing on my own experience of completing GCSEs at the highest level. Chibuike Udeh I left The Gateway Academy in 2019 to study A‐levels, achieving an A* in Sociology, an A in Business Studies, and an A in Economics. I then went on to study Business Management at the University of Warwick. I am now the incoming strategy consultant at Oliver Wyman, where I will be solving business strategic problems using data analytics, research skills, and proven financial and strategic models. I have very fond memories of my time at Gateway and was honoured to come in and speak to parents and students at a recent event. Chloe Locke I achieved grade 7 or higher in all my GCSEs and went to Palmer’s College to study A‐ Levels in Biology, Chemistry, and Mathematics, achieving 3 A grades. From there, I went to the University of Nottingham to study Psychology and Cognitive Neuroscience. Once I graduate, I will be returning to The Gateway Academy as a trainee teacher of mathematics. I am currently a mentor to a Year 11 student at Gateway as a way of giving back to the Academy community which supported me during my time there. Lilie De Breuk I graduated from The Gateway Academy in the summer of 2020. I went on to study History, Spanish, and Art History at the London Academy of Excellence at A‐Level, where I achieved A* A*A*. From there, I went to the University of Sheffield to study for a Bachelor of Arts in Japanese Studies. In a time when diplomacy is growing more important by the day, I want to help bridge the gap in communication. In the future, I wish to be involved in translation or interpreting to achieve my goal.

Asif Salarzai After leaving The Gateway Academy, I went to the London Academy of Excellence (LAE) in Stratford to study A‐levels in Maths, Economics, and History. After LAE, I went on to study for a BA in History at the University of Oxford. I was fortunate enough to receive a full scholarship to Oxford based on my achievements at Gateway and LAE. I have an active role in youth councils, am an Ambassador for A National (Coram) Voice, and served as an Expert by Experience panellist for England’s Independent Care Review. I have also worked as a research intern on the GloCoBank project. After graduation, I would like to pursue a career in accountancy. Sam Blake After leaving The Gateway Academy, I went to college to study Maths, Computer Science, and Business. Following college, I attended university to study Mathematics with Secondary Education, training to become a teacher. I am delighted to be back at The Gateway Academy as a maths teacher, with the opportunity to support students to reach their full potential. Braedie Atkins Since leaving The Gateway Academy, I went on to Sixth Form and secured four A Levels with top grades. I then gained a place at Warwick University to study Politics and International Studies. From there, I moved on to Sidney Sussex College, University of Cambridge, where I gained an MPhil in Education. I am a prolific champion of widening participation in education and chaired the association while at Warwick. I am also a writer for Perspectives Magazine and Warwick University’s The Boar. Dominic Baker I left The Gateway Academy, having been Head Boy in 2013 and went on to secure a first‐class marketing degree from the University of Greenwich. I then joined the graduate scheme at Sports Interactive in their Social Media team. In this role, I interview professional sportspeople, manage marketing campaigns, organise events and shoots and work with a wide range of clients. As a result of my time at The Gateway Academy, I gained the confidence to take on new challenges. I greatly enjoyed the opportunities I had at school to develop my skills and interests for later life.


The Gateway Academy will consider all applications for places. Where fewer than 215 applications are received, The Gateway Academy will offer places to all those who have applied (although in certain circumstances the Academy can refuse admission. For further details please ask for a copy of our Admissions Policy. Alternatively, the policy can be viewed via the GLC website: > Key Information > Policies and Procedures Procedures for admission to Year 7 where the Academy is oversubscribed Where the number of applications for admission is greater than the published admissions number, applications will be considered against the criteria set out below in order from a – f: a) Children who are looked after or previously looked after, including those children who appear to have been in state care outside of England and ceased to be in state as a result of being adopted. b) Admission of students whose siblings currently attend the Academy and will continue to do so on the date of admission. For the purpose of allocating places, sibling means:  Full sibling living at the same address as the applicant;  Full sibling living with a parent, or family member, at a different address;  Step sibling living at the same address as the applicant;  Half sibling living at the same address as the applicant;  Long term foster sibling living at the same address as the applicant. c) Admission of students who attend the Gateway Primary Free School [a designated feeder school]. The Free School pupils have priority due to the All‐Through organisation of learning and the integrated relationship between the young people in the Free School and those in The Gateway Academy. d) Admission of students who attend primary schools in the Gateway Learning Community [i.e., Herringham Primary Academy, Lansdowne Primary Academy and Tilbury Pioneer Academy are designated feeder schools]. The Gateway Learning Community schools have priority due to the wholly collaborative relationships between the schools that include: common governance arrangements; joint curriculum delivery; a shared student code of conduct; shared inclusion services; joint activities for targeted students including those of SEND and who are More Able. It is our aim to provide a holistic approach to education for all GLC students and their families. e) Admission of a child who lives permanently with their parent, carer or guardian who is a member of staff [teaching or non‐teaching on a part of full‐time contract] and employed at any school within the Gateway Learning Community at the time at which the application for admission to Gateway Academy is made, and/or the member of staff is recruited to fill a vacant post for which there is a demonstrable skill shortage. f) Admission of students on the basis of proximity to the Academy using straight line measurement. Students living nearer to the Academy being given higher priority. Distance from the Academy will be measured in a straight line in metres by a digital mapping system from the Academy’s main gate to the front door of the home. If the final place is allocated to a family with twins or multiple births, a place will be offered to both. If there is a tie for the final place, a draw will be conducted by a person independent of the Academy. ADMISSIONS CRITERIA

SSSSSSS Marshfoot Road Tilbury / Chadwell St Mary Essex RM16 4LU Tel: 01375 489000